How to Enjoy Wine While Protecting Your Teeth

Dr Eric Huang
23 Sep, 2024

Tasmania is world-renowned for its exceptional, globally recognised wines, and we locals love indulging in a glass or two. With such an impressive selection of wine in our own backyard, it's no wonder we occasionally enjoy the fruits of our region! Here at Innova Dental, we’re self-proclaimed wine lovers too. While we believe in enjoying the finer things in life, we also know the importance of moderation, especially when it comes to oral health.

So, how exactly does wine affect your teeth, and what can you do to protect your smile while still enjoying your favourite drop?

How Wine Affects Your Teeth

Red Wine

Red wine is rich in pigments, the very substances that give it its deep colour. Unfortunately, these pigments easily bind to your tooth enamel, leading to stains. In addition, red wine is acidic, which means it can roughen the surface of your teeth, making them more porous and vulnerable to discolouration.

White Wine

White wine may not have the pigments that cause direct staining, but it is often more acidic than red wine. This acidity can lead to enamel erosion, making your teeth more susceptible to stains from other foods and drinks. AdobeStock_215456373

Tips to Protect Your Teeth While Enjoying Wine

  1. Brush Before, Not After Brushing 30 minutes to 1 hour before you enjoy a glass of wine can help reduce staining. However, avoid brushing immediately after drinking wine. The acid in wine softens your enamel, and brushing too soon can wear it down further. Waiting 30 minutes after drinking gives your mouth time to neutralise the acid before brushing.

  2. Limit Your Sipping Sessions Instead of sipping wine throughout the day, try to enjoy it in one sitting. Prolonged exposure to wine’s acids increases the risk of enamel erosion and staining. By limiting the duration of contact with your teeth, you can minimise potential damage.

  3. Stay Hydrated Drinking water alongside your wine can help wash away the wine’s pigments and acids. Water acts as a buffer, reducing the acid's impact and helping to prevent stains. A good rinse with water after finishing your wine is much more beneficial than brushing immediately.

  4. Pair Wine with Food Having food, particularly cheese, alongside your wine is not only delicious but also protective! Cheese creates a coating on your teeth, acting as a barrier against wine’s acids. Other foods, especially those high in fibre, stimulate saliva production, which helps to neutralise acid and rinse away potential stains.

Keep Up with Regular Dental Check-ups

One of the best ways to protect your teeth as a wine lover is by maintaining regular dental check-ups. At Innova Dental, we can help clean away any deeper stains and monitor your oral health to ensure your teeth remain strong and healthy. If you're concerned about staining or discolouration, our team offers a range of treatments to brighten your smile.



So, enjoy your Tasmanian wine in moderation while taking steps to protect your teeth. If you’d like more personalised advice or are looking to address any concerns about your oral health, contact us today to book an appointment. We’re here to help keep your smile bright and healthy for years to come!